Caribbean volcano eruption sparks mass evacuation in St Vincent - BBC News


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An "explosive" volcanic eruption has blanketed the Caribbean island of St Vincent in ash and smoke and forced thousands of people out of their homes. La Soufrière, which has been


Caribbean volcano eruption sparks mass evacuation in St Vincent - BBC News

  • We have a Volcano on st.kits as well I hope that one doesn’t erupt,these are serious times we living in - MusicWorl Media
  • They have to get the vaccine before the got on the ship, so if u not get the vaccine you can't be saved - Lovi L
  • ➡️ ⤵️

    B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's





    說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候 1618587946 - Iqbal FM
  • Interesting that on CBS news they mentioned that the cruise ships only evecuated those that had been vaccinated against Covid. Interesting times ahead. No vaccinations and you will be left to die. - I like Sundays
  • JERIMIAH 17 VERSE 11 - Higher Soul
  • You know what's scarier than this? Only those vaccinated will be rescued off the island. - Annika Dupuis
  • Intresting - Debbie jj
  • I grew up in st Vincent as a child in top Questelles. It is truly a beautiful island with many extravagant places. Although my family and I live in America now, we send our prayers and our love to our island.

    I LOOOOVE YOU - Riq Riq
  • the islands are having trouble. earthquakes too - Fall Babylon
  • Bro they were only evacuating ppl who had the covid vaccine wtf!! - Yo Holo
  • Można też tu zobaczyć Doradztwo rachunkowe Lublin ja bym się z tym zgodził.
  • Chinese Communist Party
    Repression and plunder
    Massacre of their people
    Who is against them
    Abduction, organ robbery
    Rape and torture
    Children to the elderly
    Everyone is afraid
    Set out atheism
    Don't believe in Gods
    Extravagant and overbearing
    The attitude is arrogant
    Fabricate and lie
    Slander and defame
    Falun Gong is evil
    This crime cannot forgiven
    Outside is the human body
    Inside is the devil
    Please wake up
    See clearly good and evil
    God warns sentient beings
    Natural disasters and epidemics
    Who is following them
    Will be dismissed right away
    In this battle
    Please choose Falun Gong - Julia Nguyen
  • May ALLAH pak save all the people in the world - Neelam chaudhry
  • Most have evacuated safely to shelters and guests houses. A few stubborn stay in the dangerous area. Much infrastructural damage and water is an issue. If you want to make a contribution to the relief efforts contact NEMO SVG. National emergency management office 7845263000 - Samantha Phillips
  • Earthquake next - Richard Tosh
  • Stop judging let Gods will be done if it’s it’s Gods will to wipe it off the map let it be of ourself we know nothing of ourself we can do nothing be still and know God - Onit Uastum
  • Good about time.there is more to come ,but the fake news want you to know nothing. Time for the people of the world to wake up.some one is coming? - Pat Kelley
  • I heard some couldn't leave because they didn't have the vaccine. Welcome to THE Mark of the beast. Do y'all believe in God now? - Randy Wilson
  • When those of you that press the like button does that means you like what's happening??? - Richard Tosh
  • Wow - Corey Allan
  • Only evacuated if you have had the covid vaccine- which is BS! - Political Porn