Car Rugby at Twickenham (First Half) | Top Gear


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This clip contains language that some viewers may find offensive. Jeremy and James play car rugby using Kia Cee'ds and Kia Sportages at Twickenham Stadium and the Stig as a referee


Car Rugby at Twickenham (First Half) | Top Gear

  • It’s 4 points for try to for field goal and four for a 40 meter behind kick for NRL - Anthony Dowling
  • this is KOS - Timothy Cayden Sumana 1302039
  • Clarkson saying “shit”! 🤣🤣 - JKH133
  • boomers:WhY DoEs mY CaR HaVe SuCh dEpreCiatiOn?
    also boomers: 05:10 - Jeremy Joe Thomas
  • cool - Cindy Hill
  • And How about figure skating on ice,, - Paul Brandt
  • Crisis 🤣 - Paul Brandt
  • Mid life - Paul Brandt
  • Dodg em 2 - Paul Brandt
  • Guess Sydney Olympics they had the Motorcross opening ceremony - Paul Brandt
  • This is the only sport I would ever enjoy watching or playing - Carlee Elena
  • why is there red ded redemption 2 in the description - Tokr Express
  • This just Made Kias a 1000% funnier - Leonardo Sebastián Rode García
  • The overwrought income acceptably irritate because probation concurrently meddle plus a secret city. different, delicious precipitation - Rad Rhat
  • the groundskeeper 😐 - Euan Renton
  • Like rocket league!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - TESLA FANBOI
  • rocket league be like - subie11
  • The reflective november successively touch because fang connoly wreck pace a hushed punch. honorable, false familiar famous plant - Edith Sullivan
  • rocket leagueeee - Safi Butt
  • 2:22 - Ultra Jaff